Showing 51 - 75 of 95 Results
Le Docteur Rouge, Vol. 3 (Classic Reprint) (French Edition) by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781334469275 List Price: $16.57
Memoires de Fleury de La Comedie-Francaise (1757 a 1820), Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (French E... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781334630477 List Price: $16.57
Memoires de Fleury de La Comedie-Francaise: Seconde Serie, 1789-1820 (Classic Reprint) (Fren... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781334643019 List Price: $16.57
Memoires de Fleury de La Comedie-Francaise (1757 a 1820), Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint) (French E... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781334845550 List Price: $16.57
Memoires de Fleury de La Comedie-Francaise (1757 a 1820), Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) (French E... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781334896293 List Price: $16.57
Memoires de Fleury de La Comedie-Francaise (1757 a 1820), Vol. 3: Precedes D'Une Introductio... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781334949203 List Price: $16.57
Les Sybarites, Ou Les Francs-Macons de Florence: Drama Lyrique En Trois Actes (Classic Repri... by Jean Baptiste Pierre Lafitte ISBN: 9781333137373 List Price: $9.57
M�moires de Fleury, de la Com�die Fran�aise : 1757 � 1820, Volume 3... by Joseph Abraham B�nard Fleur... ISBN: 9781273115240 List Price: $34.75
M?moires de Fleury, de La Com?die Fran?aise: 1757 ? 1820, Volume 4... (French Edition) by Jean-Baptiste-Pierre Lafitte ISBN: 9781274578358 List Price: $36.75
Mémoires de Fleury de la Comédie-Française by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9781142042356 List Price: $36.75
Mémoires de Fleury de la Comédie-Française by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9781172622740 List Price: $35.75
Adventures of an Actor: Comprising a Picture of the French Stage During a Period of Fifty Ye... by Theodore Edward Hook, Jean-... ISBN: 9781289991142 List Price: $37.75
Les Trois Marie, Volumes 1-2 - Primary Source Edition (French Edition) by Michel Masson, Jean-Baptist... ISBN: 9781287534532 List Price: $39.75
Adventures of an Actor : Comprising a Picture of the French Stage During a Period of Fifty Y... by Hook, Theodore Edward, Lafi... ISBN: 9781147002478 List Price: $37.75
Adventures of an Actor : Comprising a Picture of the French Stage During a Period of Fifty Y... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9781340585624 List Price: $27.95
Adventures of an Actor : Comprising a Picture of the French Stage During a Period of Fifty Y... by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9781340827090 List Price: $29.95
Red Doctor by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9781341264825 List Price: $27.95
French Stage and the French People (Volume 2); As Illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9781153855228 List Price: $19.99
French Stage and the French People : As Illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury, Volume 2 by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pier... ISBN: 9781346992600 List Price: $28.95
Memoires de Fleury de la Comedie Francaise, 1789-1820 (Classic Reprint) by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9780260652072 List Price: $33.12
Memoires de Fleury de la Comedie Francaise, 1789-1820 (Classic Reprint) by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9780266012146 List Price: $16.57
Memoires de Fleury de la Comedie Francaise, 1757-1789 (Classic Reprint) by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9780266085560 List Price: $19.57
French Stage and the French People, : As Illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9780371847435 List Price: $15.95
French Stage and the French People : As Illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9780371948316 List Price: $14.95
Red Doctor by Lafitte, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre ISBN: 9780461742879 List Price: $14.95
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